What is nutrition ? What is the importance of good nutrition? Why good nutrition is important for a good health ?


All of us know that when we do any types of activities we consume energy. Our body need energy to perform any types of work. For a good good growth, development and protein synthesis etc. we need enough energy to maintain the body. All of these sources of energy we get only from a good nutrition. In this article we attempted to define you about the nutrition in details.

What is nutrition ?

All the living things need energy to perform biological activities. This energy gets from food. Taking food inside, digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion of these processes are called nutrition. The ingredients we need for generating energy, Physical amendment as well as to do any activities are called nutrients.

Types of nutrition's

We include such types of ingredients in our food which can provide a lot of energy. These foods are called balance diet. Each and every body needs six types of nutrients to maintain the body and to get a good health and to do any types of activities. What are they six nutrients let's know in details.


To nourish the body protein is a very good nutrients . Every one should consume it. To perform any types of biological activities, in formation of muscles, to make our cells etc protein plays and important role. Protein is the source of our body. The great sources of protein are:- eggs, fishes, meat and beans . Protein provides amino acid to our body which helps in digestion.


Our body must need vitamin. If our body did not get vitamin due to any reason it can an attack of diseases. Vitamins are the substances which help our body to grow. It helps to maintain your immune system and protect the body from several types of diseases. Most of the vitamins we get from fresh vegetables, fruits and green leafy vegetables .


Minerals is a good nutrition. Some important minerals help our body to perform biological activities in proper ways. It helps to improve the metabolism and even keep the body healthy. Fruits, vegetables, meat, and meat are the good source of minerals.


Starch in the form of carbohydrates is the main food substance which found in many types of food. The rich sources of carbohydrates are potatoes, rice , maize, soyabean and whole grains. Having taken it we get a lot of energy. It helps also in digestion.


Fat is the main component of our food. It does many activities in our body. The great sources of fat are vegetables oil, meat, nuts and seeds. Fat digests in fat acid which is used as energy.


We also include water in nutrients. About 60% parts of our body are made up of water. If you take enough water the liquid balance of your will be in mantainance. Water control the heat of body. So don't let your body less of water.

What is the importance of nutrition:-

For all types of creatures nutrition is the most important. Without nutrition any types of biological activities can't happen in proper ways. Just a car needs fuel to run similarly our body need nutrition's. Let's know the usefulness of nutrients in details


To conduct the several types of activities in our body, we need energy which is received from the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats 

Body repair

Food helps in developing our body and repairs the damages parts of it. Protein, minerals, vitamins etc help to perform this work.


Balance diet increase the immunity in our body. Protein, minerals, vitamins etc. are the main substances for it. Thus nutrients protect us from several disease.

How much nutrition is need per day ?

Basically a human body needs nutrients according to his age and biological activities.  There are different types of scale for children, pregnant women and adults. According to this scale a human should include nutrients in his food. Let's know in details.

Nutrition need per day

. Protein:- 64 gm

. Liquid substances:- 2.5 - 3 liters

. Fiber's:- 30 gm

. Vitamin A:- 900 microgram

. Vitamin B6:- 1.3 milli gram.

. Iron:- 8 milli gram

. Calcium:- 1000 milli gram

. Iodine:- 150 micro gram

. Magnesium:- 400 milli gram 

. Potassium:- 3800 milli gram

. Sodium:- 460 - 920 milli gram 

. Zinc:- 14 milli gram 

. Vitamin c:- 45 milli gram 

Why is good nutrition important ?

Nutrition is most important for our body. If you don't take plenty of nutrients in your food, you will be an attack of many types of diseases like:- eye sight problem, hail fall, skin disease , indigestion and memory power loss etc. You can save from all these types of diseases having taken a good nutrients.


Havin read this article you will have came to know that nutrition is the most important for our body to function properly. Without nutrition a human body can't be survive a healthy life. Nutrition helps human body in many ways as you told in the above article.
So if you want a healthy and happy life life then you must have taken nutrients. There for you can't be the prey of many diseases.


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