How many stages of breast cancer? Know About Breast Cancer In Both Men And Women

What is breast Cancer? How many stages of breast cancer? What are the causes of breast cancer? 


when the healthy cells change in the breast and be out of control then the cancer started, by which a group of sheet of cells becomes which is known as tumor. let's know about breast cancer and its causes in this article. I will tell you in detail about breast cancer and its stages, causes, and its treatment. 

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a such cancer which starts from our breast. When our cells begin to be large more than need. The cells of breast cancer make a tumor which can be seen easily on x-ray or you can feel it like a knot. Most of these diseases are found in women but men may also be the prey of it. Basically we can say that any types of swelling or knot in the breast can take the form of breast cancer. In such types of condition you must consult a doctor first.

How many stages of breast cancer are there?
Basically breast cancer is divided into five parts. It depends on how much area of your breast is affected. Let's know about all five states of breast cancer.

1. 0(zero) stage:-

At this stage it would be very difficult to diagnose the disease. In 0 stage the tube of the breast remain contracted without affecting of any tissues. So this stage is called ducltle carcinoma in cetu (DCIS) at this stage cancer can't be rampancy.

2. Second stage:-

It is the starting stage of a tumor. The size of the tumor disperses up to 2 centimeters. In this stage lymph nodes are small knots in the body) can grow in small groups. Lymph nodes are glands made of oval tissues of our body. It plays an important role to protect our body from cancer and transitive disease.

3. Third stage:-

On this stage tumor becomes around 2 centimeters affecting the lymph nodes of its surrounding. It is said that the size of the tumor increase by 2-5 cm without effecting lymph nodes.

4. Fourth stage:-

On this stage, Cancer expands to the different axillary lymph nodes. As well the size of tumor increases more than five centimeters and it harms the lymph nodes.

5. Fifth stage:-

In the fourth stage, cancer become dangerous. On this stage liver, lungs, and still the brain can be damage. It can also damage your bones. 
According to the specialist women should get done mammography in the starting stage.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

There are several types of causes of breast cancer
 .Family history 
. Stay exposure to endogenous Strogen for a long time.
.  First Menstruation before proper time.
. Late menopause
. Contraceptive pill 
. Hormones replacement therapy 

Due to many types of reasons like drinking, smoking, physical inactivation, fat and doing breast feeding for a few times are included in it 

What can be the symptoms of breast cancer?

All women must need to know about the starting symptoms of breast cancer so that the rate of living life can increase and prevent of cancer.

The following five warning hints are given here which can indicate of breast cancer

1. Knots or warts in breast:-

It's one of the normal symptoms of breast cancer. In that case, you must consult the doctor still knots are soft.

2. Swelling of the whole part of breast or any part of it:-

Swelling of the whole part of breast or any part of the breast can be the cause of breast cancer. However, it can be in the condition of pregnancy or infection still you must go to the doctor and find out the exact reason or disease.

3. Changes of the skin in the breast may be cause of cancer:-

- Burning redness of the skin
- Thickening of the skin
- Dumpling of breast tissue
- Change in skin texture 

4. Changing in nipples:-

Don't avoid the any types of changing and rising any liquid as well as going inward of nipples can be the reasons of breast cancer. If you are feeling pain in your nipples you must consult a doctor fast.

5. Lump in underarm:-

If you have a lump in the underarm, it may be a concern with the breast . The tissues of the breast can be up to the underarm. As well the cancer of breast can spread to the lymph nodes remained under the hands. Women need to maintain their weight, avoid of smoking, take fresh and healthy food, and get done mammography from time to from time.

Which stage of breast cancer is easily curable

0 stage:-  0 stage of the cancer about which we told you above can be easily curable when you consult the doctor on time. Otherwise, it can take the form of enormous.

How can we prevent of breast cancer

:- By changing your daily routine you can prevent of breast cancer. You must take healthy and nutritious food. Don't take a drink, do not smoke, etc. As well as you must consult the doctor and get done sonography, mammography and hormonal therapy.


In this article we have tried to define you about the breast cancer its stages, symptoms and etc. If you have any types of symptoms mentioned above in this article you must consult a doctor as fast as possible.


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